Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Safety and Computer maps

Just want to post a message-

Please, please, please when you are out traveling in familiar and unfamiliar places, don%26#39;t just use computer map services, just because a map says that it is the fastest way, may not be true.

I guess I all want you to know that, if you didnt know, this is the 2nd time in two years that groups have tried to get to Gold Beach via the Forest Service Road from Grants Pass and have gotten stuck in the snow and given us all a scare. We%26#39;ve been lucky so far that noone has been hurt. I don%26#39;t know if the groups did use a computer map, but I know I%26#39;ve used them before and the computer sometimes doesn%26#39;t give me the right directions.

Please check department of Transportation websites or call someone in the know if you arent%26#39; sure. It%26#39;s not worth going on a %26#39;new%26#39; route if you aren%26#39;t sure of all the conditions before hand, especially in the winter.

Ok- I%26#39;ll get off my soapbox, but I just want everyone to enjoy their trips and come back home safely.

Safety and Computer maps

I%26#39;ll second that. I recall watching a show on ABC%26#39;s 20/20 several years ago about a salesman who spent a month or so stuck in the snow on a little used FS road trying to get to I-5 from Coos Bay. He wrote a journal to his wife and eventually died. I am so thankful to hear that 3 out of 4 of the Lee family members were found and hopeful that James Lee will be found soon.

All the maps and GPS equipment won%26#39;t get you out of the snow on one of these backroads. These are roads that should only be used in the summer. Take the main highways only in all other months. I know we may be preaching to the choir but I would hope that no one else tries to take this route between I-5 and the coast anytime other than summer.

Safety and Computer maps


guess we were posting same thoughts on different threads, and I had missed your first post. You are right don%26#39;t believe computer map routes. and in winter even mosr so.

That%26#39;s a good suggestion, but still highly limited. In other words, even the best options are limited.

Any road in Oregon - any, rural or urban - can be hazardous, and be on a computer map, physical map, or one of several streets mentioned on some form of news.

The most important thing, is for people to realize what their limits are.

The main reason that somebody would get stuck in snow, is that they entered the snow.

Aside from a an isolated patch of ice, the reason people crash on ice, is that the drove on ice.

It%26#39;s certain that all roads can%26#39;t be labeled for every hazard, but it%26#39;s certain that it won%26#39;t hurt to include a few more warnings when it%26#39;s feasible.

All good points, but I%26#39;ll add another.......TELL SOMEONE, lots of people if you can, which route you will be traveling. If you change your route, TELL SOMEONE! (catch the theme??)



I even leave a map with my family : - )

Including the main route, and the alternative route.

It really pays to tell - as you said.

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