Friday, April 13, 2012

Central Coast Rain

Florence ended up with 5.95 inches of rain for the 24hr period ending at 5pm yesterday. Not a record but pretty darn close.

Everytime we get a real soaker like this or a storm with winds in excess of 80mph I think about the time I asked a friend of mine, who was coaching at LSU at the time, why the national media makes such a big deal out of hurricanes with similar winds and rain to what we have. He told me the biggest difference, from his perspective, is everything is flat and there is nothing to buffer the winds like we have in the great PNW.

Food for thought!!

(BTW Beaver Fans, this same friend is now the x-country coach at OSU after 10 years at Willamette U)


Central Coast Rain

Den--That is a lot of rain! We lived in both FL and GA, so know those hurricane winds and rain all too well, and yes...its the flat factor that makes it worse. So glad to be back home in OR!

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