Friday, March 30, 2012

Is Everyone OK?

or did the Big Wind blow your house to some Oz like place ? :)

We had very high winds here in the Pearl District with a huge bamboo on my terrace blowing over.

We won%26#39;t discuss how much fun I thought it was, going out there in the wind and rain to set it up again, in a sort-of sheltered spot. (Images from old disaster movies running through my mind the whole time)..

Chime in and tell us how you and your neighborhood managed~

Is Everyone OK?

';....or did the Big Wind blow your house....';

For a second there, I thought you might be talking about my brother-in-law. ;-)

Nothing much happened around our house except for a few ornamental trees in pots being blown over, and a matter of a neighbor%26#39;s tree branches raking along the gutter on our house just outside our bedroom all night long. Any property lawyers out there? If the tree%26#39;s planted in his yard, do I have the right to saw off limbs over-hanging into mine?

The other minor annoyance is that the wind wasn%26#39;t strong enough to blow all the leaves off the tree in our front yard. Rats! Another month of raking to look forward to.

Is Everyone OK?

We fared ok. Did see a bunch of BIG branches down this morning around town. One restaurant had those huge planters with trees in them blown over and into the street. Power flickered a lot last night! We had the headlamps ready:)

I would have loved to have been at the coast in a nice hotel room watching the storm.

Yes, storm watching in 85 mph winds lol...I am a wimp about wind now, after living in Florida for a year, through 5 hurricanes. shudder.

I am glad that I have heard no big damage reports...I hope the houses at the coast are all ok...I imagine a beach shack out there could be in pretty bad shape after storms like this. Glad I don%26#39;t have to worry about that ... one house at a time is enough for me lol.

Mistletoe, I believe it%26#39;s universally accepted that overhanging limbs can be, well, limbed :). In your case, it%26#39;s not only a possible danger but a nuisance. I%26#39;m no lawyer, but you can Google this question.

I would just go over to the neighbor when they are home and tell them you want to trim it back from your roof/gutter, would they like to do it or would they like to leave it to you.

I agree with voyaging, I think this is so all over , once it is over your property, you can do what you like with it ( within reason)..some towns have old town did and we only had to give the neighbor notice , that way they could do it or we would have it done.

A lot better than having an irate neighbor show up at the door because their home has been damaged by a tree or branch..

ScarlettO1, I agree with your approach. If I were approached by my neighbor, I%26#39;d appreciate it and ask only that, whoever does the pruning, do it judiciously so that the tree looks ';whole';. If you want to see hilarious photos of landscaping run amok, see this:鈥?/a>

For all the hype, this storm was a BIG let-down. Started gettin gusty about 5pm but never really picked up. There were a few gusts between 8 and 10 pm but nothing to get too excited about. Very little rain as well...maybe .75 at the most.

The only damage in all of my parks was at Honeyman. A small pine came down over one of our YURTS. The YURT was vacant and sustained very minor damage.


Den--Glad that it was a let down. Sometimes that is a good thing;)

I was out and about this morning...saw several fences totally blown apart. I think our oldtown must have been hit harder than where I am up on the big hill.

Lots of rain today though.

I just came back from Whole Foods at Bridgeport and they have a case of prepared foods that was almost empty. Signs up said everything had been removed because of the power outage last night. I was still able to get a pretty yummy salad though:D

Thanks for the advice voyaging and Scarlett. TA needs to give us some emoticons, or I should have put a winking smiley after my question. The only way I%26#39;d get an attorney involved in this situation would be as a joke. My neighbor and I will probably end up limbing the tree together after (or maybe better before) a glass or two of wine. But, it will be his bottle. ;-)

You must be living right, Den. Local news in Portland this morning reported that a couple spots on the coast (Cape Blanco was one, I think) had gusts of 100 mph. I%26#39;d forgotten how spectacular those big storms are at the coast, until being at Bandon Dunes last week walking the trail to the beach in the middle of the worst of Tuesday%26#39;s storm: winds were probably a steady 40 mph, with gusts to 60. It was just amazing how different the beach looked and sounded from just two days earlier.

we were at the coast for part of time manzanita. I gave short update on that. on another thread.

Mistletoe did you golf at Bandon? In the rain

We were at Whistler one slow fall day with rain predicted, maybe. We tried to get tee time for next day. They said you pay when you make tee time. If you cancel for rain tough tooty. they keep money. we went to next town to golf.

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