Friday, March 30, 2012

nonstop rain?

Hi, Folks,

My daughter and I will move to Portland in 3 weeks! My fiance and our cats will have to wait here in Napa until he finds a job up there... Anyhow, here%26#39;s a dumb but sincere question: does it really rain for 6 months nonstop? Do you personally know folks who have left Portland solely because of the weather?

Thanks very much,


nonstop rain?

According to NOAA, the average annual rainfall for Portland over the past 20 years is slightly less than 40'; (measured at PDX I would guess). Now, 40'; on a tape measure is a lot, but where I live, we average, for the same period, nearly 73'; and it does not rain ';non-stop'; for 6 months.

Basically, from late October through early June, it can, and does rain. Sometimes, like the stretch we are in now, it can rain for weeks on end with few breaks, but not for 6 months!


nonstop rain?


Thank you. ';Weeks'; we can definitely handle; ';months'; was a worry.

Now to take a deep breath and give my notice at work...


Listen to Den about the rain:)

I have met a few people who have left because of the weather, but it was more about the grey than the rain.

Course the way the rain was coming down on Saturday, that might scare some people off. We were at our college homecoming football game and many people were wearing waders, lol!

Welcome to Oregon! Hope you love it here as much as we do.

Celle, this morning it was NOT raining, it was 67 and very overcast with strong breezes, or some would call them winds. Now at noon it is pouring. As long as you do not have an outdoor job you will be fine!

I take it you found a best advice so far as a recent CA transplant is to pay attention to the traffic. I had to drive to Hillsboro and back to Tigard twice last week and both times I got stuck in hecka nasty traffic on 217 in the middle of the day.

I can%26#39;t remember last time I got on 217. what a mess.

we did have two in our 50 home neighborhood who came from Cal stayed a couple of years, sold home and went back. Not sure of their reasons, but as Mtngrl says for most it is the grey. which can last for many weeks. even though it may not rain.

Hope you are not here now you might turn around and head back to Cal. One of our occasional bad ones which brings flood stage streams in several places.

For sure I have learned in Oreg do not buy low elevation property that might be in or near flood plain. And also don%26#39;t buy steep slope property unless you know it is stable land.

phirl--Very wise words regarding homes!

And don%26#39;t buy ocean view property. I watched again on the news where homes near Salishan are losing their yards with the ocean storms and will likely fall into the ocean within the week. As far as moving to Portland, just don%26#39;t live on a creek. Anyway, as yet another former Californian, I would say again that it is not the rain but the gray and chilled to the bone feeling we all get in the middle of winter. I was used to the Bay Area and Chico area where even in the late fall and winter, one can see beautiful blue skies unless it is raining. We just don%26#39;t have that here. Really the best way to cope is to either start of continue to exercise, indoors if necessary, and make friends with neighbors or through church or civic activities. So even if it is crummy outside, you%26#39;ll have something to look forward to. I have known a few southern Cal folks to move back due to the weather. We have fantasized about moving there until the home prices doubled and tripled. I did actually like the warm weather we had today until it started pouring again.

No worries, I have seen much worse rain in Chico - last season we got 37 inches...the long drawn out gray weather may be hard to take but I am determined to do my best to deal with that. My husband refuses to complain about the weather (';you can%26#39;t do anything about it anyway';). I realize that parts of CA are dryer and sunnier and would make a harder transition, but Celle is coming from Napa right? She knows all about rivers flooding and mudslides!

Boy what a mess!!! I hope that all of the regulars on here are ok! How bad is the flooding in Florence Den?

I just got off the phone with my neighbor in Gleneden Beach to see what the damage is. Mention of houses in Salishan scared me! It%26#39;s high tide right now and she has a view across the Siletz Bay to the Salishan spit. She said there are so many logs floating down the river and into the bay that in places the logs are so thick they look like islands, except that they are floating. The water from the bay is now splashing over road. Our street can handle a ten foot tide before we start to flood. So far no flooding. However one neighbor has lost a deck and another may lose their home.

She also told me that two houses in Depoe Bay are about to disappear. I%26#39;m wondering if they are up on the hill above the town, she wasn%26#39;t sure. Plus a friend of hers, also in Gleneden, is watching her brand new home slide down the cliff and into the ocean. 35% of the cliff she built on is gone and it looks like her house is going to fall within the next few days, despite all the efforts to fill in the land. Apparently this is the house that has been on the news in Portland recently.

Owning property on the coast is indeed a gamble. I%26#39;ve always wondered how long homes built on the sandstone cliffs will remain standing. I%26#39;m counting my blessings that the only damage to my home so far is that the lawn furniture has been scattered about and a few plants have been knocked over.

My heart goes out to everyone in Oregon right now.



The rains have let up. There was 6%26#39; of water over hwy 126 east of Florence at high tide (not unusual). Overall, we%26#39;ve faired pretty well primarily because we are not suffering the accumlative effects of weeks or months of this type of weather. If it keeps up, we could be in for trouble. Overall damage is light throught the central coast. There is a slide at mp 174 on hwy 101 and another at mp 17 on hwy 126w. Sunset Bay State Park west of Coos Bay has been closed due to flooding, again, not unusual.

We (State Parks) have issued two emergency rip-rap permits for homeowners to protect their property along the ocean shores. One was at Gleneden Beach, the other on the north coast. Again, if this keeps up for long, there may be others out there looking to protect their property from falling into the Pacific.


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