I have received a huge amount of invaluable advice with my flurry of posts over the last few days. I think I%26#39;m narrowing down our west coast itinerary.
Currently, the plan is to divide the Oregon coast into three segments, stay in three places for two days each and explore the coast from the three towns.
First, in Gold Beach for the jet boat ride. Next, Yachats because it sounds a little more scenic than Newport but is close enough to Newport that we can visit the aquarium. Then Portland because we have friends in that area who we will be visiting.
We saw Cannon Beach and Seaside last year, so I%26#39;m thinking we won%26#39;t try to go up the coast that far this year.
Does the plan seem reasonable? Personally, I think I need to just move to the Oregon coast, but it%26#39;ll have to wait until retirement :-) In the meantime, I%26#39;ll just have to keep coming back. Am I O.K. with this plan, understanding that it%26#39;s impossible to see everything in one trip?
Thanks for all the help - Need more :-)
Sounds really nice to me. While in Newport, check out historic Nye Beach. Depoe Bay is also scenic, some touristy shops there and a great place to get some Tillamook ice cream.
Around Lincoln City, check out Gleneden Beach. A poster here has a beach home there and loves the area. There is the Salishan Lodge %26amp; Spa you may want to check out, we had a nice lunch there.
In Lincoln City, the Blackfish Cafe is very good. Don%26#39;t miss the Cape Foulweather Lookout and Gift Shop. The most beautiful views from there, a great place to take photos.
Have a wonderful time and please report back with us after your travels. :)
Thanks for all the help - Need more :-)
Sounds good!
The jet boat ride should be sooo fun!
I think you are doing it reasonably, when you can%26#39;t see everything, you have to pick what you most want to see and this sounds like a really good taste of Coast/City.
Have a great time...it is cooling down :)
I think that sounds like a great plan. The jet boat rides in Gold Beach are not to be missed! The south coast and the central coast are both different (rugged in the south v. lots of wide beaches in the central part) and both worth an exploration!
While in Newport be sure to check out the waterfront along Bay Street. Great place to watch the boats coming and going and the best place to see the sea lions (skip the Sea Lion Caves in Florence area! It%26#39;s not worth it in my opinion). There are all sorts of shops along the waterfront ranging from junky tourist places to arts and crafts to art galleries.
If you%26#39;re interested in lighthouses, the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse is nearby and there are some great photo opps looking back at the bridge and the bay. You can also tour the lighthouse.
Have fun the Oregon coast is an amazing place!
I think your plan is solid.
Sigh of relief :-)
I%26#39;m glad I have your ';go aheads'; for the plan and thanks again for the suggestions you added. I%26#39;ll probably check in again once or twice for specific advice on hotels etc. I can%26#39;t believe I ever planned a trip without TA before...
I hope, if you come to Utah, I%26#39;ll be able to do for you what you%26#39;ve done to help me.
I like that. you post a question, respond to our responses then tell us your plan and it is clear you made some adjustments.
I do not like those who post a question and never respond. I now wait for seconed post from OP before I respond much.
Yes, I appreciate that also! :)
phirl, I know what you mean. And then there are the posters who never ever respond to the posters when directly questioned. They have a word for it on other forums.. Trolls. They just make up names in order to post questions so they can answer themselves..
By the way I think that is a great plan. Cause you gathered info and decided what fit you best. and I think you had enough info to make good choices.
Good idea to not return to north coast this time.
Sure you will enjoy your time here
I am going to anxious to hear what you think after you do trip.
and where are you staying PDX to SLC??
Phirl- We%26#39;ve decided on Baker City. I also don%26#39;t like it when people don%26#39;t respond. Sometimes you know you%26#39;ve given them the info they need and there%26#39;s no reason to respond, but when you ask a question or go out of your way to find info and they don%26#39;t respond it makes me frustrated. I%26#39;ll post a report when I get back - something I also appreciate from others.
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