Yesterday and today we watched a small whale watching boat come charging up to a whale and hovering real close.
we had been sitting out back of condo watching a whale surface and play. boat came charging up, whale disappearrred, soon it went on to Depoe Bay. whale came back.
So don%26#39;t get on the small boat in Depoe Bay. the bigger ones come up slow and hang back.
whale watching cowboy
Phil--Thanks for letting us know. That is awful! I hate when people do not leave nature alone.
whale watching cowboy
Dang, hit send too soon!
Totally off topic here, but I thought of you last night. We were in Corvallis for the ball game at the new stadium. WOW!!! If you like to watch the games at all, definitely try to get some tickets!!! The stadium is beautiful, and I don%26#39;t think there are any bad seats. The seats themselves were not just bleacher style, but real seats, and quite comfy. Good incline too, so even though I am very small, there were no heads in my way. Great views of the sunset over Mary%26#39;s Peak and the other coastal mountains in view. In the front of the stadium, there is a huge football statue, and at night it was lit up with x%26#39;s and arrows, like what a play looks like on paper. Very cool!
Of course we had to stop by our old fraternity and sorority, hit the bookstore, and had dinner at Woodstocks. It just wouldn%26#39;t be a trip to Cornvalley without those stops, lol!
I hope to visit OSU campus this sept, stop by forestry school. even though i am engineer.
will check out stadium when I do.
Mtngrl, that is a really nice stadium, isn%26#39;t it? I%26#39;ve never been to a game, but we went over during the open house when it was finished. You want to hear something kind of pathetic? Those escalators at Reser are the ONLY ones in Benton County!
Phil--The new engineering building is pretty amazing too! My husband was an engineer grad also.
Motherrobyn--Wow, the only one? That is kind of sad, lol!
I took two pics with my phone, one of the field and one of the sunset. I really need to get DD to show me how to post them here.
Saw where the new McMenamins is going in on Monroe also. There used to be a good sandwich shop there and that is where DH got his hair cut. The kids were so bored with us going down memory lane, yet again, lol! At least now they expect it and just sort of roll their eyes:)
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