Friday, April 13, 2012

Trick or treat

Just over 70 trick or treaters tonoght. down a bit from past couple of years

Trick or treat

I%26#39;m thinking around 60 at our house, but don%26#39;t know for sure because I can%26#39;t remember how much candy I ate myself. Best costumes of the night went to a pair of twins who showed up standing side by side, each costumed as a bloodshot eyeball. Pretty clever, I thought.

Trick or treat

We had right around 100 kids, also down from other years. I think because it was so cold (yes, those of you from the NE can laugh!). DD was at a friends, so DS handed out candy. I babysat the dog:D

We set a record for the 12 years we have lived in this house....8!!! (Yup, we kinda live out in the sticks!).

We owned a house in the ';Bayside Gardens'; area between Nehalem and Manzanita (this is also where I grew up) for 14 years b4 we moved to Florence and thought nothing of getting over 100 each year.


0 here... lol we are way out in the sticks!

One kid dressed in a spiffy looking business suit, handed me a business card that said James Bond, and he did kind of look like Sean Connery though shorter, he may have been 12.

  • hair dresser
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